Monday, March 26, 2018

Reset Oracle Apex Admin Password

 Reset Oracle Apex Admin Password

       In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, blessing and peace be upon our prophet Mohammed, his family and his companions. After that,

       Everybody awares of the high security level of Oracle database. This is the main reason that makes Oracle apex very secure. Abstractly, you can say Oracle Apex is a subset of Oracle Database. The need to learn how to set or reset an Oracle Apex admin password is of significant importance

    It's really weird but true that you must set Oracle Apex admin password twiceOne time is during Oracle Apex installation, another time where you must reset admin password on start running Oracle Apex for the first time on the browser.

    You will need to follow & apply the next steps just in case of:
  •  Oracle Apex installation.
  • You forget Oracle Apex admin password.
  • Your Oracle Apex user is locked or blocked.
Task Definition:   

    Rest Oracle Apex Admin Password.

Task Solution:

  •    Open the cmd command prompt
  •    Change its prompt path as shown in the following screenshot.
  •   Then, type SQLPLUS  to connect to sys user.

  •    Run script @apxconf.sql as in the screen shot.

  •         Use ADMIN by default, or use your Admin user predefined.
  •         Specify your email or skip this step.
  •         Specify a strong  admin password.

          Oracle recommends administrators establish a password complexity policy for each Oracle Application Express instance according to the following rules   
·         Must be at least six characters long.
·         Must contains  at least one numeric digit.
·         Must  contains  at least one punctuation character (!”#$%&()“*+,-/:;?_).
·         Must contains at least one upper-case alphabetic character.
·         Must contains  at least one lower-case alphabetic character.

      My advice is to write down any permanent or temporary passwords & save them in a safe folder. If you forget your admin password you will never not be able to retrieve it back but with the previous steps

Learn more about:

Hope this helps,

My success only comes from Allah, pls. note your comments and suggestions are great help for me in progress thanks in advance.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

apxchpwd.sql typo